Its working……

…. whatever it is. Its now day four and there have still been no hits on the site whatsoever.

How long can a blog survive out there in cyberspace as a virgin? I wonder if by changing the tags to include a phrase like “virgin blog”, I would suddenly find myself under siege from spotty boys seeking to deflower the pale skinned beauties ensconced within?

Unlikely I would think… but I’m not going to do it…. wouldn’t want a blemish on the record!

A zero views count….

I wonder how long this site will remain a virgin! Given that it is not linked to any other blogs or websites and no one is specifically referred to it, it may well remain a virgin for quite some time.

The count is on…..its been three days so far.

Can it last the week out with no hits? Can it manage a month of being just my sandpit to play in all on my own?

New players

Today I spent part of the day introducing some colleagues to the delights of owning a site like this.

I had never realised how difficult it was to do anything at all on a computer when you are working on a platform with which you are unfamiliar and for internet service it was running on a dial up connection! We could have baked a loaf of bread in the time it took to load some of the pages….. and we were sitting there waiting for it to get through an automatic software update and restart before anything at all could happen…how to blow at least two hours without really trying!

However they finished the day pleased with the small amount of progress we managed to make and I retired to the dentist! I found a whole new meaning to “pulling teeth”!

Fiddling again

I think I have managed to work out the fixed first page thing… well, a least I hope I have. For some reason or other I can make the “About” Page be the fixed first page but cannot seem to get the “blog” page to shift places and be the “next cab off the rank” so to speak…. if at first you don’t succeed etc etc etc.

Oh well… it doesn’t quite seem to want to do what I want it to do…. however, we have a fixed front page, that’s all that matters, I guess!

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